
Acitivity Booking Engine Features

Activity Booking Features

Activity Booking Engine makes enables any activity provider to manage availability and provide an easy-to-use booking process of activities and resources for hire on their website. See below all features included on the platform

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Seamless Payments

Make a booking and pay using all popular payment methods (Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Mobile Money)

Customized Theme

With this solution you can set your own logo and get a sharable link to your product line.

Instant Notifications and reconciliation

Get notified by Email and SMS whenever a customer books or makes a reservation for an activity, car hire or scheduled transportation View all customer details and booking information Cancel / restore bookings Search and filter bookings by customer name, emails phone etc

Manage your inventory and pricing

Add, remove, edit your packaged activities / experiences, cars for hire or scheduled transportation Manage pricing (you can even set seasonal prices) Manage availability Availability is automatically updated when a customer makes a booking • Set discounts

Integrated Payments

All payments made are processed by Pesapal and set directly to the business account Send automatically Pre-generated invoices to your customers (payment request)


Easy to search for an activity of interest by selecting dates and checking availability See correct rates in real time Receive instant payment and booking confirmation on email

Start increasing your online bookings today

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