Search & selects from provided list of activity options.
Search & selects from provided list of activity options.
Provide personal details to enable verification of booking.
Pick extra activities to take part in at the hotel.
Select the mode of payment that is most convenient and proceed to pay.
Reserveport has achieved Oracle Validated Integrations to drive real-time Bookings, Orders and Payments for Hotels and Restaurants.
Rids off the time and resources of having to register orders & bookings manually.
Push for sales all day as long as you are open without fear of overbookings
All payments are posted in real-time reducing risk of handling payments manually
Reserveport gives you one dashboard view for all your bookings, from both a Calendar view, to see date to date bookings, as well as a list for all the customers who have placed a booking.
This enables your reservations team to follow through all bookings, as well as provide sales opportunity for those customers who did not complete with follow up details.
Integrated with 10+ payment methods available in over 5 countries, we offer you comprehensive digital payment options including Mobile money, Cards, eWallets and Banks enabling all-kind of payment options to your guests.
Hotel customers can access and book from any device with internet; smartphone, tablet, or desktop, making it easy for your potential guests to learn about your property and make a reservation at their convenience.
Enhance your guests’ experience by showcasing and offering enhancements and extra activities at the time of booking, increasing your revenue opportunity.